English for 6th
20/05/2018th of May – 29th of May
1) Past Irregular verbs (worksheet attached) 2) Shopping for electronics (worksheet attached) 3) Nell’s books (worksheet and transcript attached)https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/features/childrens-stories/nellsbooks 4) Draw a book cover for the short story Nell’s books 5) Harry Potter… Llegeix més»
English for 4th
20/05/2018th of May – 29th of May
1) Daily Routine (worksheet attached) 2) What time is it? (worksheet attached) 3) Abdu and the traffic jam (worksheet and transcript attached)
4) Draw a book cover for the short story Adbu and the… Llegeix més»
Na Rosa vos explica aquest conte…escolteu-lo molt bé per saber que heu de fer.